Policy for Data managed by NIMRD
RoNODC holds unrestricted as well as restricted data belonging to National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" – NIMRD.
The restricted data are under the national policy.
RoNODC can give access to the data belonging NIMRD for:
During the first three years (the exactly time to be decided after consultations with all data sources in NIMRD and departments heads and NIMRD managers ) after the end of a cruise/field campaign, the data belonging to NIMRD cannot be delivered without the chief scientist permission.
The data collected in the frame of national or international projects/programmes are delivered according to the project data management policies.
Use of the data
The user commits himself:
Observation data: these are measurements or observations (in situ and remote sensing) of marine environmental variables. In order to interpret and process these data, related attribute data such as type of data, location, time and unit of measurement are also required.
Model data: these are estimates of marine environmental variables from model outputs (including analyses).
Image data: these are images providing information on various aspects of the marine environment.
Meta-data: these are data about data sets: information about observation, model or image data sets, the related attribute data such as type of data, location, date/time and unit of measurement, accuracy, precision or method of measurement, structure or ownership of the data.
Data products: these are aggregated or combined sets of observation data, model data, images or meta-data (including web services).